Friday, November 7

More Arts

This is more difficult than I thought it would be. My lack of artistic talent is staggering.

Diane: I request a lovely sunset or a rainbow. It could be worse, I could have requested a unicorn.

That would be a Unicorn waiting to cross the street....

yllwdaisies: A gorilla running toward a plane w/ a ziploc bag of bread (2 slices).

You have to trust me when I tell you there are two pieces in there.


Becky said...

You are Divinci and MS Paint is your canvas.

I love the randomness of these requests.

Here is mine. Please draw Estelle Geddy wearing jean shorts, a coconut bra, and a hat with a very long feather attached to it. The feather should be yellow.

She needs to be standing next to Patrick Duffy, holding hands and watching YOU riding a shark to work.

Show me what your made of, solider.

Crystal said...

Roy G Biv in da house!

Em said...

I'm impressed!

Chris Wilson said...

Estelle Geddy in jean shorts is frightening. I'm pretty sure you can be arrested for drawing that.

Diane said...

I love, love, love the rainbow unicorn drawing - you rock!