Wednesday, December 21

There's No Business Like SNOW Business


I hate being cold, but I love the crap out of snow. I don't know if I am programmed from praying to get out of school for so many years, but I still at the tender age of 57 hope for city-paralyzing amounts of snow every day

There are a couple of moments that stand out in my mind as great times involving snow. They will probably all involve people from my neighborhood because my neighborhood kicked 10 kinds of ass.

One time after a particularly large snowfall, the snowplows had created a giant pile of snow on the corner of my street. It had to be 8 feet tall if it was an inch!

Myself and some friends of mine gathered around this mini Mt Fuji and did what anyone would do when confronted with such a snowy superstructure. We raced to the top and tried to chuck eachother off of it down into traffic. After a while when we got bored, and our concussion were affecting our balance, we tried something else. We planned to dig a tunnel to the center of the mound and create a snow fort where we could live in for months. Yes we were idiots.

After about 45 minutes we had hollowed out the middle of the pile pretty nicely and 3 of us could cram in there at once. All of use took turns sliding in the tunnel , sitting inside and then coming back out again. Once you already went inside and checked it out, you began to realize that not only would it be silly to try and use this thing as living quarters, but it was also really fucking cold in there. So after 4 of us had been inside and come to this realization, we looked at eachother and silently decided there was only one thing that could be done.

When the last of our friends was inside, the four of us outside began to jump on and kick the outside of the mountain hoping to cause a deadly cave in! I personally delivered several Macho Man Randy Savage caliber elbow drops to cause massive amounts of destruction. My friend was yelling fromt he inside and trying to get out. "KNOCK IT OFF ASSHOLES! SHIT! HELP! STOP! AAIIEEEE!"

He nearly made it out. It was pretty cool actually becaus eit all came down on him , but he managed to get a hand outside which we proceeded to High Five relentlessly.

This story may make me sound very immature because at the time I was 24, but if you consider that my friends are 8 years old it isn't that bad.


Jay said...

You should be saving these stories for your book! If you give away all of the good stuff for free, who's going to pay for it later?

0000 said...

Yes. Why buy the cow, when--

Ryan said...

I could use a good milking so I will keep it up

Anonymous said...

oh man
im not gonna tell you what i did in my snow forts.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA, that is hysterical!
I especially like the Macho Man reference.

"Oh yeah, dig it!"

Becky said...

This reminds me of when my brothers and sister and myself decided it would be a good idea to make an our very small attic (located in the garage, full of insulation) a fort. We even brought a TV up there.

Looking back...what the hell were we thinking? It was uncomfortable, itchy, rat infested, dark...and lonely. And there was no ladder up to it, so you had to stack bikes, boxes and laundry baskets to work your way up there.

Its hard to find a good fort location these days though. You would think a parking garage...but Nooooooo

Anonymous said...

"He nearly made it out. It was pretty cool actually becaus eit all came down on him , but he managed to get a hand outside which we proceeded to High Five relentlessly."

Did he end up getting out, or did you leave him there to die?

Ryan said...

The snow melted eventually