Wednesday, September 5

Arf Wiedersehen

I am so disgusted at the awful pun that is the title to this post.

So this Labor Day weekend wasn't exactly the festive end of summer party good time fun fest that it is supposed to be, but for once it wasn't because I'm a loser who does nothing. Okay, maybe that was still part of it. However there was a much bigger reason for the complete and total suckage of the past few days. My dog had to be put to sleep.

Fifteen and a half years ago my family went to a pet store out in Point Pleasant, New Jersey and wound up coming home with a tiny grey ball of fur. We named him Max because we always liked the obscure names in our family. At the time he was so small and so cute that we could never have imagined that we were ushering in a decade and a half of terror and urine.

There are many things I could talk about regarding Max right now, his love of tomato sauce, how he would get completely shocked any time he farted and stare at his ass for 20 seconds, his growth from a puppy into a child hating territorial maniac, how he once bit a hole through the bridge of my father's nose,or even how at his advanced age he would still get a creepy dog erection anytime he rolled around on his back. But I think I will choose to discuss one of the many scuffles my dog got himself into.

Max, for some reason, became extremely protective of his home turf. At the first hint of someone passing by our property, he would bolt across the yard and hurl himself towards the fence barking like a crazy person and often scaring the crap out of whoever happened to be walking by. This is if we were lucky enough to have remembered to close the gate and repair any holes in the fence.

One day my father, who always insisted he had more control over the dog than he actually did, had Max running in the yard. As the two of them were frolicking about in the green green grass, one of my neighbors was walking her dog by our house.

Her name is Mrs. McKee. I'm not sure why it was a Mrs. because I never saw a man around nor could I ever imagine anyone wanting to marry that little salty waddling sour faced tubby demon. Can you tell I still hold a grudge from her accusing me of running around, trampling her flowers "like some kind of crazed monkey child." Anyway! She had this big gross Chow dog she would waddle with around the block without a leash. I will tell you right now, that dog was a dirty jackass.

As soon as Max noticed the two beasts were walking by, he took off towards the fence. My dad didn't react really because he didn't notice the board missing at the bottom. Whoops.

The noises that came next were pretty disturbing. It was something like, "BARK BARK SNARL AAAAAAHHH AIEEEE SNARL GRRRR YIPE YIPE YIPE SOMEONE HELP"

Max had darted through the hole in the fence, knocked over Mrs McKee and started attacking her fat ass Chow. I seem to have forgotten to mention this, but Max was a miniature schnauzer, not exactly the most foreboding of all the beasts int he animal kingdom. However, despite his lack of girth, he was able to send the Chow yelping down the block back to his house while staying in hot pursuit.

My father ran out of the yard and helped up the old bat who unfortunately had not broken her hip. He then passed a number of confused neighbors on his way to find the dogs. When he turned the corner he found the Chow cowering in it's driveway against the garage as Max darted back and forth in front of him growling and being a general bad ass. Dad managed to grab hold of the terror and haul him back home.

I don't remember us punishing him. If anything I would have cooked him a steak for knocking over that wrinkled pig midget.

So yeah. This was therapeutic. Also I had no idea that was how you spell therapeutic. I'm sure later I will start sobbing quietly under my desk as I think about this and other things like how he would sleep under my covers and I would get paranoid about rolling over on Max in my sleep and then him biting my nuts off.


Diane said...

Ah, I'm so sorry to hear about Max moving on to the big park in the sky. It's amazing how much of a part of the family they become, and I'm sorry for your loss.

And it sounds like the old bag had it coming to her

Effortlessly Average said...

If I were sleeping with a dog like Max, I might be more worried about rolling over to find he had him one of those creepy dog erections.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Are you going to bury him in your yard? Have him stuffed? We lost our Golden Retriever of 14 years recently and it does suck, I know. Looks like you'll have to knock the "pig midget" over by yourself nowadays.

yll said...

"like some kind of crazed monkey child."

I don't know, Ryan, that description does sound like you would've been.

Also, I'm so sorry about your loss.

D-HOR said...

Awww I'm sorry about your dog. :(

You really made me smile with your story though, he sounded like a funny bloke. Ok and OMG the whole he was surprised everytime he farted and stared at his ass for 20 seconds made me laugh for real. That's hilarious.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Hey, I grew from a puppy into a child hating territorial maniac too!

Mrs. McKee and her chow sound like real assholes. Next time they pass your house, as a tribute to Max, I suggest you reenact this very story. With you, playing the role of Max, naturally.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Dyckerson feels your pain. But tell me, Mr. Vick. How long have you been hosting dog fights in your back yard??

Christie said...

I am so sorry, Ryan. Can I give you a hug?

c j. said...

keep your chin up, ryan. losing a pet, however small, never goes unnoticed.
i'm just worried mr. chow won't have anybody to put him in his place, now.

lots of (puppy) love from overseas.

Clearlykels said...

I am so sorry! As you read, I nearly lost my 14 year old dog on Monday-- don't worry, on Tuesday, I cried enough for the both of us and I am NOT a crier. I'm glad that you have such fabulous memories. Max sounds irreplacable. I'm thinking of you.

Erica Ann Putis said...

So sorry about your pup. It sounds like he live a long, happy life.

Scary Monster said...

Max sounds like me kinda dog. frenzied, horney and utterly canine.


Me Myself and I said...

poor poochie. always a sad thing to let one of them go. even if they do terrorize the neighbours.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Oh, Ryan. I am really sorry to hear about Max. My parents put my dog down earlier this year, I still miss her like crazy.

But that was an awesome tribute, nonetheless.

Sassy Blondie said...

I'm sorry, Ryan! And thanks for the funny story about the old gasbag and her dog.

I have four can borrow one anytime you like. They all think they are general badasses...except the Pug.

Hans Strongo said...

I wish I could come up with something funny to say about this, but there's really nothing funny about a pet dying. Or anal leakage.

Fitter Happier said...


Sassy Blondie said...

Where are you, Ryan? We miss you!

RevRee said...

I'm sorry about your doggy :-(

Effortlessly Average said...

Ok, that's enough comiserating over the lost pet. Get to blogging again, already! Don't you know only us average people are allowed to slack off like this? What, are the drugs not wearing off yet?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Your readers are getting restless... better come back soon before the rioting begins.

Diane said...

Ry-an, Ry-an, Ry-an . . . .

The people have spoken

Sassy Blondie said...

Come on, Ryan...please? XOXO

v said...

Yeah, a wonderful tribute. Max must be missed very much.

PS - And Ryan, can you stop myspacing for like 5 minutes and post again?

Lol, J/K. Hope you post again soon.

Christie said...

Where the hell are you, dude? Really. When all it does is rain, I have nothing to do but read other peoples blogs.

Sassy Blondie said...

Ryan, I'm coming by once a week until you get your ass to a computer...I miss you. :) XOXO

Sassy Blondie said...

Ryan, where are you? Did you get locked up?

Sassy Blondie said...


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