Monday, November 26

Second Coming

I know. I know. I still love you though. That hasn't changed one bit.

So what better way to try and jump back on that blog swing than with a tale of me being completely clueless and lost, stumbling around in the strange land known as The Ladies.

Picture it, Sicily, 1941. I had performed a minor miracle. Not only did I manage to meet a smokin' hot female (a real one) without accidentally insulting her or referring to her as some kind of cut of meat, but I somehow charmed her with my spaceman looks and involuntary Christopher Walken impression.

Oh she was quite the fetching lass. A stone cold fox, if you will. An intoxicating mix of slender beauty and coquettish charm.Oh yeah and a sweet set of tits. I mean that cleavage was speaking to me. It was saying "Hey Ryan. What's goin' on? Oh yeah? No I didn't know you sky dive and hunt Elk. At the same time? Wow that's amazing. You should put your nose in me."

At some point we wound up on a bed, making the fuck out. Clothes started to be discarded. Hands started to roam, and as I didn't notice any wincing or gagging at the sight of my lush body hair, my confidence rose along with my wang. It was even more rad than it sounds.

Now in a situation like this my hands always gravitate towards the buttocks. Asses are the best. You all know this. A brilliant man once said,

"When God made the arse, he didn't say, 'Hey, it's just your basic hinge, let's knock off early.' He said, 'Behold ye angels, I have created the arse. Throughout the ages to come, men and women shall grab hold of these, and shout my name.'"

And grab that arse I did, voraciously and with great aplomb.

During my grabbings though I felt something. On one of her excellent buttocks I felt some kind of plastic. I believe it was in a squarish shape. What on earth? Oh dear. This poor girl had bought some new clothing obviously and one of the stickers from it unknowingly attached itself to her cheek. I better tell her so she doesn't get too embarrassed.

Me - "You have a sticker on your ass."
Her - "What?"
Me - "There's a sticker on your butt."
Her - "Um, that's my birth control, genius."

I probably should have realized that no clothes really have small stickers on them really, and even if they did, it would take quite an amazing journey by the sticker to wind up planted on someones ass cheek. Whatever. There was a naked girl touching me. I can't be expected to think or use reason at a time like that.

So there it is. I'm glad I can still stretch out a 15 second story into a long and meandering blog post. I know I have one more in me for this week.


Diane said...

Hmmm - you may want to do a search on WebMD for birth control and get better acquainted with these things . . .

Hans Strongo said...

I didn't know they had birth control patches in 1941.

Effortlessly Average said...

...and what's worse is you let it go right at what I'm sure was about to be the best part! Tell me the discovery of a crack patch on her cheek wasn't the best part.

Crystal said...

hahahaha! butt birth control??? butts can't get pregnant! silly girl who makes out with ryan!

p.s. ryan, you should not be sticking it in her butt on the first date.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Sticker story aside, this sounds like it went better than your virginity story. If she didnt scream at you for 15 minutes after your un-condomed penis got stuck in her quick-sand filled vagina, it had to have gone better.

Coming from a girl who also just got laid, let me extend my congratulations to you, sir.

Sassy Blondie said...

Oh're such a romantic.

Christie said...

So....did you fuck or what? Cause I would have cut you off. But that's just me.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Hee hee. Nothing says romance like, "Dude, there's a sticker on your posterior."

Mighty Dyckerson said...

I wonder...Did they have jeans shorts back in 1941?

v said...

Ha, funny post.

You da man Ryan!

And ladies, the only birth control us guys *need* to be familiar with is the condom. Everything else is your department.

And, I believe, the woman can place the patch a bit higher up on her waist. You know, a place the guy will squeeze and fondle less.

I swear if they ever come up with a patch to be placed on the breast, I'm calling my congresspeople. That's right, not email, but picking up the phone and dialing the numbers.

Em said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my god, that's great.