Thursday, August 21

And she cooks, too.

My girlfriend's roommate moved out a week and a half ago. She recently returned to help clean up the not so thin layer of filth she left there. This conversation occurred soon after.

Girlfriend: She took the fucking dish rack. I have to run to get another.
Me: She is a bastard woman.
Girlfriend: I know. I am so over her, so I stole all her tampons.


Mighty Dyckerson said...

I hope she didn't steal the used tampons.

Diane said...

man, I love living alone

Em said...

good move!

Jay Ferris said...

Dude. She's the one!

Christie said...

That girl is going to be PISSED next month. She should have opened them all and pulled the tampons out of the applicator and then put them back in the packaging. Mean, but so funny.

Anonymous said...

Dish racks, I hate them. I wash, rinse, dry, and put away -- totally worthless piece of kitchen equipment ever invented. I see people wash dishes and then let them sit in a dish rack for a week or more collecting dust, and then they have the gall to say "the dishes in the rack are clean."