I feel the need for confession.
I feel better having gotten that off my chest. You guys should try it some time. It's healthy for you.
I own a Creed Album.
So fucking what? That don't make me a bad person. I found it when I was cleaning my desk area. It was buried under a pile of dirty paper plates, Poland Spring bottles and a Back to the Beach VHS tape. I don't listen to it or anything now. I haven't for years.
The only reason I even bought it was because I thought it was some shitty new Pearl Jam CD. It's true dude. I swear.
It sounded cool when it first came out and you all know it! I thought, "Wow these guys are singing about lions and people being crucified. They are hardcore!" How was I supposed they were talking about Jesus?!
Don't judge me assholes. Just because I said to myself, "Wow this lead singer has a lot to say about the world and is definitely not a giant dog cunt," it means I'm some kind of jackass? I was young and naive and didn't know anything. You think you're better than me, but you know what? You're not.

That dude challenged Fred Durst (remember that guy?) to a boxing match.
All will be forgiven, so long as you burn it in effigy and post pictures.
I can't believe I'm going to admit this but I too actually thought they weren't half bad when they first came out. AKA I thought "Arms Wide Open" was kinda catchy.
But I didn't buy the album.
Yeah, I was young and stupid. And, yeah, I was probably a little jackassy when I thought they weren't complete musical douchebags (which, for anyone wondering, they totally are, especially the lead singer).
There's only one way you can make this right bro. You have to destroy that CD, and make the world a better place.
PS - Check this out: Daily Show Creed Concert Piece (open it in a new browser window)
PPS - Hilarious post as usual man. But seriously, you need to destroy that CD. Seriously.
I know how you feel. When I bought my first Milli Vanili album, I thought it was about exotic ice cream flavors.
ok. i love you. i really do. you bring me much joy in life.. but creed?... this picture says it all.
(yeah for some reason its not copying the full thing in one. so i made sure to separate it so you could SEE it!)
Reasons why I know I'm better than Ryan:
1- Ryan bought a crappy Creed album.
2- I never bought any crappy Creed albums.
Even Jesus Hates Creed
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