Friday, August 10

What The?

I didn't plan on posting this morning but as I got off the subway at Times Square this morning I saw this old dude in front of me who had one of his ears completely covered in scotch tape.

At first I thought maybe it wasn't scotch tape, and it was some kind of medical adhesive that looked similar. So I yelled out, "Hey Scotch Tape Ear!" and he started looking around to see who had said it. Therefore it must be scotch tape! That's what we call science.

Help me figure this out. Why did he have his left ear encased in scotch tape?


D-HOR said...

Honestly? You yelled that? For real? I'm going to stop breathing.

Was he "normal" looking or like a homeless look?

My mom puts cotton in her ears if it's windy and cold out because she says that that way she won't get an earache. (she's a hillbilly that's how they roll) But she never puts tape over it.

Maybe he has an earache and couldn't find any cotton or one of those wierd hats with the floppy ear cover-ers.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Maybe he was some sort of a frustrated artist who cut off his ear in bout of mental anguish, only to come through his breakdown to realize that he really values his appendeges... although if he wanted to do it right, duct tape holds better.

Diane said...

Scotch tape and only scotch tape keeps the gamma rays out

Jay said...

I'm sure that super-powered hearing would be both a gift and a curse, so maybe he's just trying to balance things out.

Sassy Blondie said...

Ryan, we could totally hang out! If you really yelled that, you have earned new respect from me! lol

And who knows about the scotch tape? Kids do that shit all the time...

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Maybe he just ran out of duct tape.

Fitter Happier said...


Scary Monster said...

He be allergic to stereo.


Me misses the city.

Scary Monster said...

Tell me yer NOT from the Bronx.


Ryan said...

Lindy - he was a pretty average older dude. In his 50s maybe early 60s. It could have been a medical issue.

Your theories are all very interesting and I will spend the weekend giving it some thought.

Monster I am not from the Bronx. You can tell because I have zero bullet wounds.

Anonymous said...

Maybe his left ear is starting to droop (read sag) and he uses the tape to hold it up. Or maybe that's just where he stores his extra tape... just in case he needs a "piece" during the day.

Me Myself and I said...

Probably his hearing aid kept falling out.

Mistress Empyrean said...

How else do you keep thoughts in your head?

Princess in Galoshes said...

You mean you don't wear scotch tape on your left ear? That's so 2006 of you.

The Madman said...

Maybe he didn't know it was there?

I saw a homeless black lady on the train once with cum on her face. I'm pretty sure SHE didn't know it was there.

Christie said...

You know my parents always threatened to seal up one of my ears with tape because they believed everything went in one ear and out the other. Parents of Year, folks, aren't they. Maybe someone actually did it to that old dude.

c j. said...

i've heard it's the thing to use if you want to take care of warts. they die from suffocation. honest. i'm sure he heard it, too. when he could hear properly, of course.