Thursday, November 13

Still haven't found what I'm looking for.

Ann unfortunately neither have two people who found this blog by searching for the following terms:

"When did jean shorts come out?"


"warm bucket of water vagina" 

Some guy from Australia searched for that second one.  It's even more disgusting if you say it out loud with a piss poor Australian accent. Do it. I will wait.

See? Now do it with a German Accent.

Now do it like you're a robot.

Now do it like Jack Nicholson.



Chris Wilson said...
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Chris Wilson said...

I did it like Henry Kissinger in front of my cat. He pretended he needed to be somewhere else.

Em said...

haha @ chris

Jay Ferris said...

OK, I've got two drawing requests if you're up for it. I won't give specifics, instead providing you with only titles and letting your artistic juices flow freely.

1. "The Wrong Kind of White"

2. "Of Hot Dogs and Love"

Anonymous said...

Great.... now I've gotta take another shower.

Erica Ann Putis said...

My friend just move to Australia... I hope it wasn't him. :)

Catastrophe Waitress said...

i am truly proud to be australian.