Monday, November 10

When it rains, it poors.

I don't consider myself a dumb person. Sure it took someone drawing a diagram of a vagina before I realized women had a separate hole for peeing, but overall I genuinely believe I am somewhat intelligent. However, I recently began to doubt this assessment of my brain power after reading a post a few weeks ago over on Jay's blog.

In this particular post, the phrase "for all intents and purposes" was used. For three seconds I wondered why he had typed this phrase incorrectly. After my brain took those three seconds to use that ever elusive thing called reason, I suddenly became aware that I am in fact a massive dumbass because for as long as I can remember I have been saying "for all intensive purposes."

I'm sure I have used it on this blog more than a few times. This kind of mistake makes me feel quite stupid because I have been walking around saying it to people for years like I am some genius while they laugh at me later on during cellular chats with their friends. I know I am immediately calling them dopes and morons to other people as soon as I hear someone make a similar mistake.

The last time I remember this happening was when i realized I had been mispronouncing the word "covalent" since High School because I had a Sikh chemistry teacher with a very thick accent.

Anyway, that was dumb. Here is another paint piece.

Becky: Here is mine. Please draw Estelle Geddy wearing jean shorts, a coconut bra, and a hat with a very long feather attached to it. The feather should be yellow.She needs to be standing next to Patrick Duffy, holding hands and watching YOU riding a shark to work.

It's Estelle GeTTy, Becky.



Becky said...

Where is the hat with a long yellow feather, dumbass!!!!!!!

I do like this though, I will hang it on my bulletin board here at the ole office, great conversation piece. Thank you Johnny Jean Shorts

Chris Wilson said...

Here's the thing about your take on "for all intents and purposes". Intensive purposes is merely a subset of all purposes. You aren't a dumbass, you're being specific. You don't want people to be led astray by focusing on ALL purposes, just the most intensive ones. Its very helpful actually.

Ryan said...

Becky - Whoops

Chris - Thanks. I feel better. You will get a check this week instead of my therapist.

Em said...

HAHAHA! Holy crap that is funny! For all intensive purposes... you're just too cute, Ryan.

Diane said...

As long as you don't say "I could care less" when you mean "I couldn't care less", you're A-Ok with me.

Anonymous said...

"Sure it took someone drawing a diagram of a vagina before I realized women had a separate hole for peeing, but overall I genuinely believe I am somewhat intelligent."

No, seriously. He asked me. After we had sex.

Ryan said...

diane - I don't know nothin about that.

Girlfriend - when did you become an open book?

monkey girl said...

That's quite a six pack.

Anonymous said...

'When it rains, it poors '...
or was that intentional?

Ryan said...

Yes I did it on porpoise.