My tree is ready to be decorated and I am looking for an Angel to stick on top.
I saw King Kong yesterday and I enjoyed it immensely. I can't think of a better way to end a week that started with a rhinocerous fighing minotaurs than with a giant ape beating the piss out of some tyranosauruses.
These two elderly irish jerkwads were sitting behind me in the theater narrating the whole time. I thought about telling them to shut up, but if I have learned anything from work and my family it is that blarney filled coffin dodgers don't shut up no matter what.
Here is a picture for your enjoyment. Examine it for a few seconds

Now look at this one.

I can only wish that they have no idea who this ebony fellow is and no one at the party knew he was there until they examined the picture closely.
Has Peter Jackson done anything original yet?
I wonder how many photos I've looked at in my 30 years here on this earth, that I've not noticed an ebony friend in them.
He's an ebony ninja is what he is. Those are the most dangerous of all ninjas. Cause they are naked.
I can't wait to see King Kong. I hope he has a big Ding DOng.
Actually Beckerwood, there was a tender and graphic love scene between King Kong and Jack Black's eyebrows.
I read this article yesterday, claiming that King Kong is a metaphor for racial intolerance and Western ignorance. I plan on writing an article in retaliation about the movie White Chicks, and how it's a metaphor for poo.
Here I thought King Kong was a metaphor for women being nothing but trouble!
That ebony person in the back, looks like a chick to me?...
My favorite pick-up line is...
How do you like your eggs in the morning, scrambled or fertalized?
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