Monday, December 12

Me So Horny

My computer is literally about to burst into flames right now so this will be rushed. Who the hell knew computers had fans in them anyway? You'd think they'd make them with central air by now.

I went to see Chronicles of Narnia today. I only went because I heard the title wrong and thought it was an Ice Cube movie called "You Lying now bitch and I burn yo Wardrobe"

Anyway, I'm very happy I went because I got finally to see a rhinocerous charge the fuck out of a minotaur. Now I have to figure out what my next goal in life is.

I would also like to say I am ajackass because for the 6864868464th time I got a pail full of Cherry Coke and drank it all before the previews ended. Everytime time I go to a movie I wind up standing in the aisle for the last 30 minutes doing the god damn pee pee dance.

Spellcheck is for chumps.


Anonymous said...

are you sitting there, looking at a blank screen, pretending to type right now?

Becky said...

i love cherry coke!

Shavonne said...

Pee Pee Dance

He he he. Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho. I think you've just come up with a name for the next dance craze.

Anonymous said...

The White Witch in that movie was sexy! She may have been an Ice Queen, but she made my pants hot!

Ryan said...

Donuts as usual you are totally right. The weird and excellent hing was when I got home there was a movie on where she was naked and humping in it loads. The bad thing was I saw Ewan MacGregor's weiner

Anonymous said...

I want to know the name of that movie! But not because of the Ewan McGregor thing...I swear!