Sometimes I wish I had a huge belly button. You know, one of those cavernous fat guy Sarlacc Pit belly buttons that Boba Fett could fall into. I want it to be downright vast. If I had one of these spacious navels I would fill it with cereal and milk then chow down as I watched some Dragonball Z. As of now I could fit a Corn Pop in there at most, maybe a couple flakes of Special K if they were vertical. This isn't enough to satisfy both my hunger and incredible laziness. Count Chocula would never taste as sweet as it would from my very own built in cereal bowl.

I've been told I have one of those big belly button. My ex wife said it, so it must be a lie. I haven't tried eating cereal from it yet - I guess that's the true test.
Now go away before I taunt you a second time!
yeah I think if our entire life had music to accompany everything it would be so much better.
LOL! Runaway by real mccoy!?!?! You are too much. Eating cereal from your belly button!? Holy crap, I have to use that. You rock !
i have *cringe* runaway on my ipod
(or visit my site)
Ok..that was really weird.
Keep in mind that I'm the person who believed aliens/government was stealing socks from the laundramat to get random skin cells for cloning experiements...so what do I know about weird?
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