Saturday, November 5

Mischa Barton is a Posing Retard

I have been known to peruse a celebrity themed website or two at times. In my journeys I have noticed something that now disturbs me greatly about the OC's Mischa barton besides her acting (Mischa Barton is to acting what Merryl Streep is to Competitive Body Building).

Everytime I see this chick she is doing the same damn akward looking hand on the hip pose.

I don't know if she accidentally glued her hand there or if she is trying to cover up her colostomy bag hole, but if she doesn't stop soon she is going to slice her hand open on that jagged hip of hers.

She also really needs to start eating more. There's no way she is going to be able to fight He-man in this condition.


RevRee said...

Isn't she a mannequin?

Anonymous said...

She's a hanger with a head.