Just kidding. No mention of the massive-headed one today.

In June it will be 10 years since I graduated High School. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
It would be cool to go to the reunion and be ignored by everyone who ignored me when I was younger. I really wouldn't look forward to any of the standard questions though,
Them: "So what have you been doing with your life?"
Me: "I was in school for 8 years. Yeah....Med School...that's it. I'm a gynocologicalist."( this could wind up backfiring on me when I blurt out something about "dropping feces").
Them : "Do you have a wife/girlfriend/regularly frequented hooker?"

Me: "Well, I talk to a lot of gals on the internet who swear that if they didn't live all the way in Bangwang, Thailand, they would be all over my loins. Also this one time on the subway I had an erection and I "accidentally" bumped into this older Puerto Rican woman and she really didn't seem to mind."
Them: "What are you doing in the Ladies Room!?!"
Me: "Hey listen! I didn't get to see any of you naked in school, I have to check you out now before you hit the wall! Also the guys make fun of me cause I sit down to pee"
Them: "And you are positive you went to our school?"
Me: * starts weeping and runs out the door with arms flailing*
Yeah... I am so there
I hear ya Ryan, I have no desire to go to my 10 yr, which will be in 2007...I'd rather watch a dog vomit. There is no way...I was forced to pretend I liked all you people back then...I'm an adult now and I say F-U and your sucessful careers that your parents helped you get! I'm not bitter though :)
You crack me up,seriously. I can't believe you referenced Madame on my blog, I posted her picture way back when I first started. you rock! I'd be all over your loins right now if....
I too will be having my 10 year reunion in June. It's a very disturbing thought. I don't feel 28, I still get carded!!! This cant be happening! AHHHHH
Thanks for reminding me about my high school reunion. It will be ten years for me this June too.
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