One particularly sweltering day this past summer, I ventured into Manhattan to have lunch my friend Amanda. We had eaten at the same diner we have 17 times before because I am a picky bitch when it comes to what I will eat. It was a miracle that there was a place around her office that serves fried milk and Honey Nut Cheerios.
After I stuffed myself we walked around and hit a very rockin' pen store and a scintilating shop that sold buttons and steam powered dildos or someshit like that. We spent about 10 minutes in there and then wiped down the things we were checking out and left.
As we made our way back up 7th avenue towards her office, a man pushing a shopping cart headed towards us from the opposite direction. It is pretty normal here to see someone doing this around here so I didn't take much notice of him until he bust out into song. It sounded like this.

For those that can't hear this (Becky), he sang, "I just called, to say... It's too Mother fuckin hot out!"

I didn't stop walking because the next verse probably involved stabbing white people, but I laughed for about 5 blocks. I have been singing his song for months. It works in any weather
I just called, to say... it's too mother fuckin cold out!
I just called, to say... it's too mother fuckin unseasonably warm out!
I just called, to say... it's too mother fuckin partly cloudly with a thirty five percent chance of precipitation out!
What Stevie Wonder was doing collecting cans is beyond me though.
That was definitely David Dinkens!
I wish there were more songs about stabbing white people. The videos would be fabulous.
I think it's very likely that someone was playing a nasty trick on Stevie and slipped some Peyote into his Cocoa Puffs. You know, because it's really easy to fuck with blind peoples food.
dude, for real? LOL
What a sweetheart.
Seriously sounds like something I'd blurt out after a few too many patron shots.
I friggin love people like that! seriously, that is what makes the world go round...random people singing random crap. I love it. :)
Thanks for the shoutout...I will listen later you little aorta head!
What's really fun is singing threats to other people in traffic.
"I'm gonna ram into your car, Do Da, Do Da"
Screw Simon, Paula, and Randy.
You got robbed bro!
I laughed so hard I farted. My abs are going to get so toned reading your blog.
i laughed entirely too much for my own good.
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