Over the last few years I have accumulated an odd selection of photos from various places. I recently was browsing through them and figured they would make for a blog post that required minimal effort. So here we go!

This picture was taken in my yard a few years ago. As many of you may know, because of the high population of people in New York City, there is a lot of garbage produced. This excessive amount of trash allows the local wildlife to eat way more than they normally do. This is why these two raccoons have gotten so large.
Or it could have been from the
Bronx Zoo. My memory is hazy.

I downloaded this picture because I thought it was the real life Zangief. Turns out I was wrong. This friendly looking gent is beloved children's author
Shel Silverstein who wrote some of my favorites such a A Light In The Attic and The Giving Tree. Check out this poem of his called
Whatif. It explains my paranoia perfectly.
Uhh also I just read he wrote Johnny Cash's hit "A Boy named Sue? Wow this guy was bad ass!
After some research I found out this picture was taken in his later years after he was bitten by a rabid Slovakian..

This picture will probably make me a very rich man and I'm only sharing it with you dudes for free because of it's importance
It is undeniable proof that Superman is real. How the hell else could there be a hole in a mountain like that? He was probably battling an alien supervillain or in a rush to get some waffles and burned a hole through the rock with his Kryptonian heat vision!

Last, but not least, is a photo of me! This was taken during a particularly sweltering summer. I had spent the entire day topless and as a result was feeling kinda sexy when this picture was snapped by my girlfriend at the time, Aunt Rachel from Family Matters.
Ok I think I'm done with that.
Wait. I thought you were black?
is that really you????
Aunt Rachel was hella hot!
PS - You're in the sexy chest hair club.
First rule of the club ...
Dude this one time I was hanging out with Carl Winslow and Aunt Rachel was blowing up his pager. She is such a trifflin' chicken head skeezer. Ya know?
Pullin' out the beefcake is just a cheap ploy for attention. How can the rest of us compete when you are diplaying man parts?
That picture of you makes me want to gay. OK, fine -- gayer.
The Giving Tree is the best book ever.
And also rules my face.
The only other picture of Shel Silverstein I've ever seen, haunted my elementary years. It's looked like he had some furry growth on his neck/head at the time the picture was taken. When a teacher of mine would read a book of his or if i happened to look directly at the back of one of his books, I would start to wet my pants in fear. Now the photo of him that you are displaying looks like his mouth is melting. What the hell is wrong with this guy and why does he scare me still.
is that really you????
Joseph Massey!
a) I love Shel Silverstein
b) I love you
c) I love family matters
I love you too. Let's get hitched.
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