With all my heart and loins.
Most women of her considerable girth are not especially attractive to me, but for some reason I want to be enveloped in the folds of her large and curvacious form.
Maybe it's because she seems to have a fun personality and her face is cute, but probably it's because in my mind I picture her as one big nubian sexual dynamo who would probably shatter my pelvis with her lusty gyrations, which I would love every minute of.
It could also be her massive dark continent teats that I have, on more that one occasion, thought about muffling my wimpers of joy as she grinds me into dust. The prospect of being suffocated to near death by her huge chocolate milk tanks sends electricity down my spine and makes my hips thrust incontrollably. I would set up camp in her cleavage, leaving only to hunt and gather firewood.

I imagine foreplay with her to be very similar to wrestling a grizzly bear. So shave my hair into a mohawk and call me Zangief cause I would take on the challenge of putting her in a nude spinning makeout piledriver.
I like the look she has now, but I would still want to get her stank on my hang low even if she wore those weird leopard hats and cross colors shirts like she used to.
The only thing that would make me hesitate if I ever got the opportunity to pork the Queen would be my acursed bulemic cashew of a penis. I fear that upon seeing me naked she would return to the rap world with a song about it with a song calld " T-E-E-N-Y ." This fear can be ignored though.
So send out the word! I'm comin for you Queenie and Im going to put my peanut butter in your chocolate!
I can't wait to see if I hit the Publish button on this one
Well, evidently you did.
Its funny, because after talking with her yesterday, she was just talking about her desire to boink a gorilla. A Sedated Gorilla.
Yeah, the look she has now is much more inviting/white-friendly than the militant look she had going on in the 80's.
Look at it this way - You can put some brown make up your cashew and tell her your hung like a 12 year old black kid.
you go honey, she is a hottie.
Seriously ryan you are effing hilarious.
Buddy, you're in luck. I was just listening to her BLACK REIGN album, and she has a song titled "Bed Warmer" where she sings about enslaving a white man for such "panutbutter in chocolate" style activities.
Talk about a good way to die.
How do you feel about half & half nubian goddess'?
She had a breast reduction a couple of years ago because of back pain. Could you image sex with her before her set of smaller sisters? Does that turn you on even more?
I've always been a little envious of big-breasted women because of the titty fuck factor. My sisters are too little for that which is a good thing because I don't think I'd like men's juice getting in my face anyway.
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