One day I was one of my regular chat rooms, NYC BBWs for Depressed Douchebags, feebly attempting to garner the attention of the girthy angels, when I received an IM from someone under the name chocolatethunderpants69.

They said to me, "Hey pal. It's me. Pat Sajak. I notice you are having some trouble attracting the bitches in there. Here's how you solve the puzzle. You gotta spice up your game playa. Give them a reason to talk to you. Show them what a stone cold gas you are. Now I gotta go. Someone in the German room is about to ask me to buy a Bowel."
Thanks to this sage-like advice I developed a technique which has scored me countless moments of masturbatory textual bliss. It's called the Any ladies for chat method. It allows me the freedom and creativity to show these cyber vixens what I gots. And it goes a little something like this...
Any ladies for chat? My third nipple can receive free satellite radio broadcasts.
Any ladies for chat? I once kicked out of Hulk Hogan's leg drop.
Any ladies for chat? For one glorious summer I worked as Oprah's official Beef Shoveler.
Any ladies for chat? I can count to 10 in Kling-On
Any ladies for chat? I was the first person in my neighborhood to beat Super Mario Brothers 3
Any ladies for chat? In Austria I am known as Baron Von Pantsshitter
Any ladies for chat? I look like a pump, but I feel like a sneaker.
Any ladies for chat? I am the current New York State Puddle Jumping champion.
Any ladies for chat? I once got busy in a Burger King Bathroom.
Any ladies for chat? I once got trapped in MC Hammer's pants foran undetermined amount of time, but when I emerged all of my pets were dead and my little brother was now older than me.
Any ladies for chat? I have every episode of Small Wonder on tape.
Any ladies for chat? I have had a long running mail correspondance with Dolph Lundgren.
Any ladies for chat? My mom says I'm ok lookin.
Any ladies for chat? I have my own blog where I talk about my penis way too much.
Any ladies for chat? I have no idea why I made this post.
Any ladies for chat? I lost my virginity to a fat call girl with a dirty blonde jerry curl when I was 19 (a week away from my 20th birthday!)
Any ladies for chat? Scrotum parmigana!
Any ladies for chat? Cream of wheat, for me, is an aphrodisiac!
Ok, I'll stop here.
Holy crap this is awesome Ryan.
Scrotum parmigana!?!!!!!
Joseph Massey has to be a friend of yours to come up with that!?!
So that's what Hammertime was all about. He was just trying to shake a poor, confused boy out of his Zoombas.
Burger King bathroom huh? You and Humpty Hump, got something in common.
Oh my, that is good stuff. You'll have to fight them all off w/ those lines!
It's my 1st time here, and I don't think I can read this at work anymore though. I was busting out laughing!
Pat is suck a dick
>> I once kicked out of Hulk Hogan's leg drop. <<
Comic Gold!
Dream boat body, here it comes. I'm lauging my way to a 24-inch tummy.
You forgot
Any Ladies for chat? Air makes me horny.
"Small Wonder" rocked!
*High Five*
Did you also watch "Out of This World?" I used to daydream about all of the wonderfully awful things I would do if I had the power to stop time.
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