This season we found out that there was another group of survivors from the crash of Oceanic Air flight 815. Among these survivors were that

Mr Eko is a fantastic new character on the show. He is a former drug runner from Nigeria turned a bad ass priest that delivers hellacious beatdowns to bad guys with a scripture covered whoopin stick. He seems to be a very soulful and good person, so far. I say so far because you never know what will happen on this friggin show, and also there is something that will always make me nervous about Mr. Eko.
It's fuckin Adebisi!
Now I'm not sure how many of you ever watched the HBO show OZ, but if you have you probably share my thoughts. On OZ, Adewale played Simon Adebisi who was probably the most evil bastard on the show which is saying a lot considering it was set in a prison.

Besides his trademark gravity-defying hat, Adebisi was known for being a drug addicted murderer who beat, stabbed, abused and said very hurtful things to his fellow inmates. Some of his more heinous acts included:
- butchering a police officer with a machete
- grinding up glass and putting it in a mob boss' food, killing him slowly.
- anally raping the son of said mob boss.... twice.
- forcing another inmate to claim he was molested by someone who worked at the prison
- infecting another inmate with AIDS by pricking them with a needle.
- forcing several inmates to smooch his pickle.
Because of shit like this I can't stop thinking his character on Lost is going to flip out one day and shank Jack, which would be a shame considering how well he has been doing since he recovered from his cancer on Party of Five.
It is definitely a tribute to Adewale's acting skills that I am still terrified by his old role and think that at any moment he is going to drag that little hobbit bastard into the woods and buttfuck him silly.
So yeah, enjoy the show!
Nineinchcock was my middle name but it was just wishful thinking on behalf of my dad.
Later in life, I took the middle name Thomas instead which, as everyone knows, has an origin of names like Sixandahalfinchprick or Damnthosegermangenes
Adebisi wasn't very nice to Kenny Wangler either. But the one thing I noticed is that OZ wasn't very good after Adebisi was killed off.He was the best character on the show. Well, him and Schillinger.
"Hey Beach-Ball"
I watched the first two seasons of Oz. That guy was crazy. The show was crazy. I will always get the hebegeebees whenever I see Adebisi.
Great. I used to like the actor playing Mr. Eko and the character. Now all I'll be thinking tonight is, "Buttfuck the hobbit silly! Smooch his pickle! Anal rape! Anal rape!"
I don't care about this guy, but did you see that the Hobbit got engaged to the hot-girl-with-the-mannish-shoulders? Here I am eating protein shakes and writing with the dark humor of Pynchon to be attractive to women and it turns out all I needed was a penis made of heroin-laced chocolate. Or whatever that guy must have to get a girl like that.
Adewale is the most awesome thing about Lost. He's my personal favorite and Top Pick for a Baby Daddy!
"Gravity Defying Hat" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was very "puppet face" of me..that last comment.
bill - it's better than my irish name which comes fromt he gaelic word for "Cashew dick"
donutZ - Schillinger plays a shrink on Law and Order and I wont even get into what i expect him to do to poor Sam Watterson.
Shavonne - if I met him on the street I would either run or fall over in a submissive position.
TIR - The suspense will only enhance your viewing experience.
hank - lol. Yeha I don't get it either. However, she is Canadian so that can explain all sorts of strange behavior
miss ahmad - I agree. he is an amazing hunk of chocolate beefcake.
becky - el oh friggin el
He'll make Sam Watterson his prag!
Ha Hah
Adebisi! You forgot about the time they were taking urine samples and he smacked "himself" in front of the female doctor.
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